Chaotic life journey

1 min readJun 23, 2023


Sometimes all we long for serenity but we find pleasure in hustle only as its tendency of humans to please their minds by exploring new activities and expeditions rather than living mediocre and monotonous life. It's like chaos has its own pros that keeps the life going yet calmness keeps the life smooth, but we are taught to be sturdy and strong in this chaotic environment which is full Upside and downside mood . Progression over composure takes the lead.

Lot of goals are clear in individual mind but become chaotic when we cross paths across different people and life stages. Sometimes we got to think about our responsibilities over our dreams and passion . Sometimes we may not get what we are working for because it's not meant for us. Sometimes we may get it at the wrong time that we do not even need it at that time. Sometimes life throws all struggles at the same time that we do not have time to think about our actions or reactions, we just go along how our reflexes and quick decisions lead us to.



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