Confidence and self-trust is the key to make through self-doubt
There are times when we self doubt our own worth . It could be self doubt of not being capable to achieve the desired goals due to of skill , knowledge, art and creativity etc. This self doubt starts when it seems that most of the people around are getting great opportunities or getting exactly what they wanted . This self-doubt could be a result of what others comment about us .But at the same time , we do also get something but we do not recognise it because that is something that we had not desired or its not as marvellous as what we expected or people around us are having a better moment .
Then , with confidence that even I can get what I want , I will fetch it with patience , hard work , diligence and constant efforts to step out of comfort zone and self exploring own skills with trust that I will make through it sooner with all the struggles . We recognised our ownself with our confidence and self-assurance that I can do it even though its not my forte supported by art of exploration and patience to master that skill for development and growth.
In the beginning ,everything seems to be out of way . Much people are not helpful in the journey but are experts of criticism and mocking . Also , in the start , everything is so slow that we just want to give up on the way but with confidence that if they can do it , I can also do it as everyone learned over time with practice only . In those times , keeping faith on oneself is very important .
With time , we get to know our own hidden skills and we do get the results of our journey from self doubt to self-confidence to self -learned to self -made.
Most innovative things are not taught but self learned . All we need to confident of ourselves and trust our ownself in the journey of building our ownself.